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Student Board

Get involved in your local community and cooperative

Here at Fulton County REMC we offer a unique opportunity to get involved with both your community and local co-op through being a part of our Student Board.

During your time on the board, you will be at able to build your leadership skills, while gaining knowledge on basic business practice, all while learning about the electric cooperative world! This is a hands-on experience for juniors and seniors whose parents, grandparents or guardians are members.

Applications are currently being accepted now through April 1st. 

Youth Tour

Take an unforgettable trip to Washington, D.C.

June 15-22, 2025

This is an opportunity for students entering their senior year in 2025 to participate in an unforgettable educational adventure to Washington, D.C.

Fulton County REMC will sponsor two students to join other students from throughout the state as they explore the nations capital. This is an eight-day trip that includes visits to Gettysburg, Arlington National Cemetery, Jefferson, MLK Jr., and FDR memorials and they will also get the chance to meet the Indiana congressional delegation.

The trip is scheduled for June 2025, and applications have now closed.  Check back in December for 2026 applications.

Camp Kilowatt

Attention incoming 7th graders!

June 4-7, 2025

Camp Kilowatt is a three-night, four-day overnight camp hosted at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana, and will take place June, 2025.

This is for students that will be entering 7th grade in the fall of 2025. Students will meet at Camp Tecumseh the afternoon of June 4 and immediately jump into fun activities and start making new friends. Each year, the camp committee works to develop a well-rounded schedule to strike a balance between education and fun.

Activities include a live line safety demonstration, bucket truck rides, electrical pole climbing tutorial, and various activities involving circuit boards, renewables and even Internet safety.

Applications for 2025 are now closed, check back in December for 2026 applications.

Page Day

Learn more about government

January 2025

Page Day with the Indiana Senate gives high school students the opportunity to learn about their state government and how bills become law. The day will include a tour of the Statehouse, mock bill activity, several speakers and many other educational activities. There is also a possibility for the students to meet their legislator and see them in action.

The program is open to high school students who have reliable transportation to and from the Indiana Statehouse. Page Day is considered an excused absence and a school excuse letter will be sent home with the student.

Applications are currently being accepted, follow the link to apply.

Student Calendar Art Contest

Get rewarded for your artwork

Indiana Electric Cooperatives’ Calendar Art Contest is open to all K-12 students who want to create an illustration for the cooperative annual wall calendar. A first-place artist will be selected for each grade, and the winners will receive a $200 prize. In addition, the artwork for each grade division winner will illustrate the cover and all 12 months of the calendar.